Women's Soccer Falls Short Against Anna Maria

Women's Soccer Falls Short Against Anna Maria

Box Score

PAXTON, Mass. - The Mitchell College women's soccer team dropped a 2-1 decision at Anna Maria College on Wednesday night in the first-ever night game at AMCAT Field.

Anna Maria improved to 1-2 with the win while Mitchell fell to 0-2 on the young season.

Anna Maria got on the board first with a goal from Maggie Sielawa. The goal was assisted by Moira Twigg, who set up Sielawa for a deep blast from the 20 yard line. Mitchell didn't take long to answer, as sophomore Leslie Briggs took a pass from junior Paige Ehnot and knotted the score up at one apiece just four minutes later. 

The game was evenly played from that point forward, as Anna Maria outshot Mitchell by a slight 11-8 margin. The goaltending was evenly matched with sophomore Brittany O'Neil totaling four saves for Mitchell and Tabitha Ruggeri saving three shots for Anna Maria. 

Anna Maria nearly took the lead at the beginning of the second half, as Sielawa barely missed netting her second goal of the contest after her shot ricocheted off the far post. With 4:31 left in the game, Erica Neugarten scored what would eventually be the game winning goal to give the AMCATS their first win of the 2009 season. 

Mitchell will next host Mt. St. Mary (N.Y.) on Saturday, September 12 at 1 p.m.